Did you know that Jesus calls us to engage in missions through prayer?

“The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”

Matthew 9:38

You can help your church engage in their great commission call today simply by leading them to PRAY!

Your prayers...

  • to the Lord of the harvest, 
  • for the training and sending of missionaries (the laborers), 
  • unto disciples of Jesus being raised up among the unreached (the harvest), 

will impact gospel reach in a vital way today. When you sign up to pray, you will receive our newsletters, which take turns highlighting our teams on the field. Whether you engage as a church body, small group or Sunday School class, you will be equipped to pray as you learn about the region, the target people group and their specific testimonies and prayer needs. Involve your church on the frontlines of great commission work by joining us as we contend together for gospel breakthrough in these hard to reach places.

Support a Community Project

Supporting a community project is a perfect way to foster unity in your church and partner with frontline workers! Our community projects help sustain our missionaries on the field, open new doors for gospel reach and draw hearts near to the kindness of Christ. From microbusinesses to wells to medical clinics, we have seen many unreached come to know Jesus through these community investments. Gather your youth group or small group, pick a project and work together to make an immediate impact! Clicking the link below will take you to a page where you can learn more about the projects we are currently working on.

Support a community project

“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me… Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.”

Matthew 25:35, 40

Tools and Resources

Looking for tools to help you equip your congregation in their understanding of the great commission? We want to help! Our desire is to strengthen the Church to better understand her call in the great commission and then be moved to act through prayer, sending and sometimes going. Check out our resource page for video teaching series, books and more to help you lead your church deeper into your understanding of the great commission and action.
Check out our resources

Vision Trips

Do you have disciples who are eager to connect personally to the frontlines? Maybe your church is sponsoring a missionary or a community project, or maybe you have members who feel compelled to find ways to serve frontline missions movements. Connect with our team to explore what we have come to call a “vision trip”. This is an opportunity for you to take a team to one of our locations in Africa and serve under the missionaries and leaders who are investing at our bases and on the frontlines. Our hope is that as you serve alongside them, you will catch a vision for how God is building a partnership between your church and theirs; that you will feel freshly energized to continue to work together to fulfill the great commission.
Explore a vision trip

Vision trip interest form

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Invite Send56 to Speak at Your Event

We want to help you share about our God’s heart for his church in missions! At Send56, we love helping to disciple believers in a biblical perspective of missions. We also love to stir up and encourage believers by sharing testimony of what God is doing through our missionaries on the frontlines. As we share our mission and vision with your church, your members will have clarity and feel empowered to take next steps towards their calling in missions. 

invite a speaker

Speaker interest form

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We present at a wide variety of gatherings so don’t hesitate to reach out to us regarding your interest to learn more. Inviting a speaker to come and share about frontline missions is an excellent way for you to engage your church in the great commission.

Other ways to get involved

Are you part of a business? Want to get involved individually?
Click below and find out other ways you can join the mission today!
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