When it comes to advancing the gospel in places with limited resources and infrastructure, there will always be challenges that bring about crucial needs. By donating to one of our projects, you can help meet those crucial needs and remove barriers to reaching Africa with the gospel. Send56 focuses on sustainable, holistic programs created specifically to resource or fund our teams on the field or to meet an unreached people group’s needs, in an effort to compassionately make way for the gospel to be heard.

All Send56 special projects are designed to meet a unique need for a particular people group. From wells for herding tribes facing drought, to vehicles to carry students to ministry opportunities, to microbusinesses and more - each project has the ultimate goal of sustainably sharing the gospel! When funding is covered for a project, our base directors provide financial and project accountability, while our missionaries are trained to implement and carry out the projects. 

It’s easy to support a Send56 project:
1. Select a project - Choose which project interests you the most.
2. View details - Learn more about each project.
3. People group impact - Discover how each project impacts an unreached people group.
4. Payment - You decide how much to give.

Kenya Base Construction

At our base in Kenya, the Lord has blessed us with an amazing piece of land. We have finished the planning and site infrastructure for our permanent base but due to funds we have not yet been able to build. We are currently having to rent a facility and apartments off site to hold classes in and house our students. This summer we received a matching donation to help us build our permanent base, doubling what you give toward this project, up to 25% of the total goal!
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In order to get the gospel message to the unreached, our missionaries quite literally need to be able to go! From vans for our bases to motorcycles for our field teams, learn how vehicles are necessary to the gospel mission.
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One of the most effective ways of building in-roads among a new tribe and sustainability in field locations is to start a microbusiness. These small shops afford our missionaries conversation and relationships with their target tribe, along with helping to supplement the cost of living on the field.
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Clean Water

The areas our missionaries are living and ministering in most often do not have access to city water or clean water. Because of this, things like wells, water tanks and water filters become vital tools for our teams on the field. These tools also deeply impact the community in a positive way, opening dynamic relational doors as men, women and children gather at the wells to water their flocks and sustain their families.
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Nigeria Relief Fund

Help to support the families who were affected by the Christmas Eve massacre in Nigeria. A raid against Christian believers in the area left so many killed and injured, with houses destroyed and property ransacked. We want to care for those who were persecuted for their faith!
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